Simplify the maintenance
of your simulators

With STS and its clear interface, monitoring the operation
of your simulators has never been easier.

Simplify the maintenance
of your simulators

With STS and its clear interface, monitoring the operation
of your simulators has never been easier.

A specialised tool

Obtaining certification for a simulator, which is essential for taking full advantage of its working tool, is already an arduous task, but maintaining this certification every year requires a flawless control and monitoring of all maintenance operations on a simulator throughout its operating life.

It is a full-time job because many regulatory requirements must be respected, both in terms of content and form.

STS was designed to simplify the monitoring of simulator operations.

STS was designed and developed by a sim engineer. The interface is clear, simple and efficient, and is solely dedicated to monitoring the operation of your simulators.

Available on all platforms and from anywhere via your internet browser (smartphone, tablet, pc).

Boost your processes

Boost your processes

your processes

A secure solution

  • Data hosted in France
  • Secured access with encrypted login and password,
    with accreditation level (administrator, technician, pilot, visitor),
  • Regular backup of your database, server dedicated
    to your activity only
  • Active presence of the technical support team to accompany
    and advise you in your daily use
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements (CS FSTD-A).


We accompany you
from the discovery of the software
to its use.


We accompany you
from the discovery of the software
to its use.


We accompany you
from the discovery of the software
to its use.

The features

Some of the features that STS offers

  • Maintenance monitoring

    Several types of maintenance are monitored
    (preventive, corrective, engineering).
    STS offers the possibility to attach external documents
    to each maintenance operation and to specify a deadline
    for execution if necessary.

  • Analysis of information

    For each simulator, STS allows you to view
    the number of hours per type of maintenance,
    the hours of training carried out per customer, the Pareto
    diagram established by ATA, the status of the QTG
    (played, controlled), the break-even point on
    an annual activity curve…

  • The digital techlog

    The techlog is used to record training sessions.
    Each simulator has its own techlog
    This page is also used to enter any comments that need
    to be brought to the attention of the technical department
    and other users.

  • QTG and flyout management

    QTG tests are monitored on a quarterly basis.
    The MQTG can be integrated into STS for each simulator.
    Flyouts are monitored on a quarterly basis

  • The list of technical points

    Simulator users and technicians alike can consult unresolved
    technical points; pilots follow the technicians’ remarks as
    they take into account and solve the problem.

  • The editions in STS

    The preliminary briefing, the open defects,
    the list of sessions by instructors, the stock of spare parts,
    the list of parts to order, are available in STS in pdf format.

  • Pre-certification report

    The preliminary briefing for the supervisory authority
    includes all the information from the simulator in accordance
    with the technical specifications of the CS FSTD A.
    It is generated in 1 click in pdf format.

  • After each certification

    STS allows you to archive on a remote server
    all the information that is part of a certification renewal
    (premilinary briefing, QTG, flyout, certificate …).
    This information can be consulted directly after archiving
    in STS.

  • Monitoring the authority’s reporting

    Each remark of the authority’s report can be integrated
    in STS for a better follow-up. This information is also archived
    in STS and remains available for consultation.

The faster the information flows,
the faster the simulator can be repaired

Improve the transmission
of information

STS is equipped with a ticketing tool, allowing simulator users to reference
problems encountered. Instantly, maintenance technicians are notified
of these problems and can intervene more quickly.

STS drastically reduces the research and analysis time
of the Quality Department’s maintenance operations.

STS will make you forget your spreadsheets.

All information is centralized in STS.

Some Photos

Some photos of STS

They trust us

Contact us

If you are interested in the STS application or if you need additional information,
please fill in this form, we will be happy to answer you as soon as possible.

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